Midagi Hingele

Migraine-Free With the Right Nutrition

Migraine-Free With the Right Nutrition Dr Toomas Toomsoo

An innovative approach to the problem of how people with chronic headaches and migraine attacks can help themselves.

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In Migraine-Free With the Right Nutrition, a top neurologist and a chef propose an innovative solution to chronic headaches and migraines. Every fifth person in Estonia suffers from headaches.

The book gives an overview of the various questions doctor Toomsoo has been asked over the course of 20 years and offers solutions to patients suffering from headaches. In the book, the experienced neurologist discusses why headaches occur and what symptoms to watch out for. Based on doctor Toomsoo’s suggestions, the hostess of restaurant Tigu, Kristel Randrüüt, has also prepared a list of recipes and nutritional guidelines for people with headaches to follow when making their meals.

Doctor Toomas Toomsoo says, “There are people for whom removing certain trigger foods from their daily menu reduces the number of days with headaches, but there are also people whose headaches are not affected by what they eat or drink. In this book, we will introduce modern views on the relationship between headaches and nutrition, focusing mainly on migraines. We will provide solutions in different forms: selection of food products, food preparation and recipes. This book is aimed at people who are suffering from migraines but also at their family members who know how damaging migraines can be.”

Kristel Randrüüt, hostess of the restaurant Tigu and a gastronomer who is splitting her time between Portugal, Germany and Estonia.

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