Midagi Hingele

Time Heals Tended Wounds

Time Heals Tended Wounds Naatan Haamer

Discourse and advice on how to cope with crises and support each other during difficult times

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Naatan Haamer is a chaplain, family therapist, supervisor, grief and crisis therapist, coach and lecturer who has been supporting people in need – ranging from young children to the elderly – through life crises for 30 years. He began working as a chaplain at Viljandi Youth Prison in 1990. Since 1995, Haamer has been working at Tartu University Hospital. Since the M/S Estonia catastrophe, Naatan has also dedicated himself to crisis relief. As a member of the Children and Youth Crisis Programme, he has been part of the team organising children’s grief camps for a few decades and has supported children and youth after painful loss both in schools and in kindergartens.

“The book discusses the topics of crisis and grief in a unique manner. The author’s alternative approach is a refreshing addition to the well-known principles of crisis psychology. The book also stands out for its poetic style that makes the discussion of difficult topics more simple and clear. Behind Naatan’s words lies a person who understands and comforts others, gives hope and meaning, tells stories, takes pictures and writes poems. “
Maire Riis, trauma therapist and head of the Children and Youth Crisis Programme

The book serves as a guide for people in crisis who are looking for encouragement and escape. However, it also gives inspiration and food for thought for people who are in supportive roles.

As a crisis psychologist with extensive life and work experience, Naatan Haamer gives advice on how to get out of a life crisis and support each other during difficult times.

Cover photo “Wings” 2014
Project Ansel
Kaupo Kikkas

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