Midagi Hingele

E-book: Dr Levin’s Words of Wisdom

E-book: Dr Levin’s Words of Wisdom Adik Levin

Importance of the right diet, food therapy and hidden food intolerance

This book by a renowned doctor and diet specialist is much more than a handbook full of good advice. Dr Levin does not promote just another diet but insists on everyone’s individuality and the need to concentrate on these unique nuances. This means the same food and advice does not suit everyone.

The book talks about diet and nutrition, introduces various theories and offers a completely new outlook on hidden food intolerances. As food is one of the main pillars of our health, it’s highly likely that eating unsuitable foods may lead to irreversible health problems. The main message of the book is a guideline on how to take care of yourself and your family with the right kind of foods. This book is a useful tool for families, doctors and therapists alike.

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